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Fellows Distinguished Visitors
Pieter M. Judson
European University Institute
Frederick Kagan
American Enterprise Institute
Robert Kagan
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Colin Kahl
United States Department of Defense
Fred Kaplan
Lawrence Kaplan
Laurence Kardish
The Museum of Modern Art
Mara Karlin
United States Department of Defense
Vincent Katz
Ibram X. Kendi
David Kennedy
Nannerl O. Keohane
Princeton University
Robert O. Keohane
Princeton University
Parag Khanna
New America Foundation
Michael Kimmelman
The New York Times
Mervyn Allister King
Bank of England
Wolfram Koeppe
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Harold Hongju Koh
Yale Law School
Jenji Kohan
Andrea Köhler
Neue Zürcher Zeitung
Elizabeth Kolbert
The New Yorker
Jeff Koons
Edward Koren (1935-2023)
The New Yorker
Paul Krugman
Princeton University

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