Political Cinema and the German Left
Marco Abel on German cinema of the political Left after 1968.
The Effects of Automation on Employment, Inequality, and Livelihoods in Germany
How are Germany's government and businesses responding to the effects of automation on the quality and quantity of jobs in the country?
Fellow Spotlight: Suki Kim
Writer Suki Kim is working on a book about the consequences of war and the future of the divided Koreas.
Can Democracy Tame Twentieth-Century Capitalism?
Steven Klein on the thought of Karl Polanyi and the democratic transformation of the capitalist economy.
Fellow Spotlight: Tatyana Gershkovich
Tantyana Gershkovich focuses on Tolstoy's legacy among Russian émigrés in Berlin as they struggled for community.
Fellow Spotlight: Marco Abel
Marco Able is working on a history of lesser-known political cinema of the German Left.
Fellow Spotlight: Laura D’Andrea Tyson
Laura D’Andrea Tyson asks what the United States can learn from Germany in coping with the automation of work.
Fellow Spotlight: Steven Klein
Steven Klein asks how contemporary democracy is being affected by both public and private debt.
These Truths: A History of the United States, with Jill Lepore
Historian and New Yorker staff writer Jill Lepore offers a history of the United States through poignant images and entertaining anecdotes.
Fellow Spotlight: Daniel Ziblatt
Daniel Ziblatt argues why having strong center-right parties is important to democracy.