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28 Oct 20

For more than six decades, American policy has supported European integration, upholding the belief that prosperity for Europe equals prosperity for the United States. As longstanding partners in matters of free trade, climate change, and global internet governance, the US and European Union have been more closely aligned than any other two parts of the world. That is, until the 2016 presidential election. Under the Trump administration, incendiary rhetoric and controversial policies have reflected an unreasonable fear of a protectionist European fortress, gradually loosening decades-old ties. In his new book, Stars with Stripes: The Essential Partnership between the European Union and the United States (2020), former US Ambassador to the European Union Anthony L. Gardner calls for a reversal of this trend, showing why it is now more important than ever to work towards closer US-EU relations. In this talk, Gardner will reflect on his own transatlantic diplomacy and on the European Union as a valuable American ally. In anticipation of November’s presidential election, he will offer what an agenda for US-EU relations might look like under a Biden administration.

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