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22 May 14

Noir et Moi, or Finally Getting It Right

Jules Feiffer’s graphic novel Kill My Mother (W.W. Norton, August 2014), reaches back to his first obsessions, and it launches him into a form of graphic expression he says he was unable to find until the age of 80

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15 May 14

Dissident Gardens

Writer Jonathan Lethem reads from sections of his highly-acclaimed novel Dissident Gardens, depicting Miriam Zimmer as a teenager and after first making contact with her estranged father.

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15 May 14

My Beloved World

United States Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor talks about her journey from social housing in the Bronx to the bench of the United States Supreme Court.

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08 May 14

The Unwinding

New Yorker staff writer and spring 2014 fellow George Packer reads from his National Book Award-winning account of American change over the last fifty years, The Unwinding.

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06 May 14

Secular Individualism and Religious Communities

George Rupp, former president and CEO of the International Rescue Committee, examines the tension between traditional religious conviction and modern secular individualism.

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24 Apr 14

Criticism in the Expanded Field

Robert Smith, the co-chief art critic of the New York Times and, Isabelle Graw, the founding editor of Texte zur Kunst and a professor of art history and theory at Berlin’s Hochschule für Bildende Kunst, discuss the role and purpose of art criticism.

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09 Apr 14

Making Sense of Security in the Cyber Age

Jane Holl Lute, former deputy secretary for the US Department of Homeland Security, examines the social effects of global technological connectivity and ask what it means to speak today of personal privacy or personally identifiable information.

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09 Apr 14

The Arab Awakening in Its Fourth Year – Where is the Middle East Headed?

Ambassador Frank G. Wisner addresses the revolutionary changes that have swept the Middle East since 2010, considering, too, the origins of the crisis and the ongoing "situations" in Egypt and Syria.

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12 Mar 14

Rethinking American National Security

The biggest threat to America's national security comes not from abroad but from within, argues Council on Foreign Relations President Richard Haass, a Lloyd Cutler Distinguished Visitor at the American Academy in Berlin in Spring 2014.

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28 Jan 14

Elvis’s Army: Creating the Atomic Soldier in the 1950s

When Elvis Presley joined the US Army in 1958 it was an international event. Historian Brian Linn asks, What kind of army did Elvis join? What was its mission? How did it prepare for war? Why was it so fascinated with technology?

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