Associate Professor of English, University of Michigan
Dirk Ippen Fellow - Class of Fall 2018
Tung-Hui Hu is an associate professor in the English department at the University of Michigan. He completed a BA in comparative literature at Princeton University, an MFA in creative writing at University of Michigan, and a PhD in film studies at the University of California, Berkeley. Hu is the author of three books of poetry, The Book of Motion (Georgia, 2003), Mine (Copper Canyon, 2007), and Greenhouses, Lighthouses (Copper Canyon, 2013), as well as a study of digital culture, A Prehistory of the Cloud (MIT, 2015). His research has been featured on CBS News and BBC Radio 4, and in the Boston Globe and New Scientist. Hu has received grants and awards from the MacDowell Colony, National Endowment of the Arts, Yaddo, San Francisco Foundation, and the University of Michigan’s Humanities Collaboratory.