Professor and Chair, Department of English, University of Nebraska at Lincoln
Dirk Ippen Fellow - Class of Fall 2019
Marco Abel currently chairs the department of English at the University of Nebraska. He completed his BA at Georgia State University and PhD at Pennsylvania State University. He is the author of Violent Affect: Literature, Cinema, and Critique after Representation (Nebraska, 2007) and The Counter-Cinema of the Berlin School (Camden House, 2013), which won the German Studies Association’s 2014 Prize for Best Book. Abel also co-edited Im Angesicht des Fernsehens: Der Filmemacher Dominik Graf (text + kritik, 2010), about one of Germany’s most influential contemporary genre filmmakers, The Berlin School and Its Global Contexts: A Transnational Art-Cinema (with Jaimey Fisher, Wayne State, 2019), and Celluloid Revolt: German Screen Cultures and the Long Sixties (with Christina Gerhardt, Camden, 2019). Abel is also the co-editor of a special issue on Berlin School filmmaker Christian Petzold for Senses of Cinema 84 (summer 2017) and “What was Politics in ‘68? A Special Issue on the West German Sixties” (2015) for The Sixties: A Journal of History, Politics and Culture.