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Photo: Annette Hornischer

Professor of Modern Latin American and Andean Literatures and Cultures, Northwestern University

Ellen Maria Gorrissen Fellow - Class of Fall 2023

Jorge Coronado is Professor of Modern Latin American and Andean Literatures and Cultures at Northwestern University, where he is currently the co-director of the Andean Cultures and Histories working group (ACH) at the Weinberg College Center for International and Area Studies. He received a BA from Williams College and PhD from Columbia University. Coronado has published widely on visual culture, modernity, Indigeneity, and intellectual traditions in Latin America, including The Andes Imagined: Indigenismo, Society, and Modernity (Pittsburgh, 2009), Portraits in the Andes: Photography and Agency, 1900-1950 (Pittsburgh, 2018), and the co-edited volumes Visiones de los Andes. Ensayos críticos sobre el concepto de paisaje y región (Plural Editores and Pittsburgh, 2019) and Anarquismos y marxismos en Bolivia, Ecuador y Perú. Textos esenciales (Ediciones Achawata, forthcoming). He is the Series Editor for Illuminations: Cultural Formations of the Americas at the University of Pittsburgh Press and has served in multiple editorial capacities, including at the PMLA Revista de Estudios Hispánicos, Bolivian Studies Journal, and other publications. He has lectured widely at universities and other cultural institutions in the United States, Latin America, and Europe. Coronado’s work has received support from the National Endowment for the Humanities, Rockefeller Foundation, and Mellon Foundation.

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