Professor of Germanic Languages and Literatures; Professor of Film, Television and Media, University of Michigan
John P. Birkelund Fellow in the Humanities - Class of Spring 2024
Johannes von Moltke is Professor of Germanic Languages and Literatures, and of Film, Television, and Media, at the University of Michigan. He completed his BA at Dartmouth College and PhD in Literature at Duke University. He is the author of The Curious Humanist: Siegfried Kracauer in America (California, 2015), a Choice Outstanding Academic Title, and No Place Like Home: Locations of Heimat in German Cinema (California, 2005), winner of the MLA Scaglione Prize for Best Book in German Studies. He has published articles in New German Critique, October, Screen, Cultural Critique, Cinema Journal, Germanic Review, and other journals, as well as in numerous edited volumes. Over the past few years, he has also devoted time to the English edition of the last letters exchanged in 1944/45 between his grandparents, Helmuth James and Freya von Moltke. He is currently the vice president of the American Friends of Marbach and a former president of the German Studies Association. Moltke’s research has been supported by the German Academic Exchange Service, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, and Freiburg Institute for Advanced Study.