Associate Professor, Medieval Art and Architecture, Yale University
Coca-Cola - Class of Spring 2006
Jacqueline Jung, a specialist in the monumental sculpture and devotional arts of later medieval Germany, is associate professor of art history at Yale University. She received her PhD from Columbia University in 2002, with a dissertation on the social, liturgical, and ideological functions of the thirteenth-century west choir screen of Naumburg Cathedral, which she is revising for publication. Her first article, “Beyond the Barrier: The Unifying Role of the Choir Screen in Gothic Churches” received the Arthur Kingsley Porter Prize from the College Art Association for an especially distinguished contribution by a junior scholar to the Art Bulletin. Her subsequent articles addressed the role of expressivity in the Wise and Foolish Virgins portal at Magdeburg Cathedral, the relation between visionary experience and material culture in the convent of St. Katharinenthal, and the portrayal of Jews in the Passion reliefs of Naumburg Cathedral. Jung has published translations of several important early art historical studies from German, most notably Aloïs Riegl’s 1899-1900 Historical Grammar of the Visual Arts. Jung has taught courses at Columbia University, Montclair State University, Fordham University, Middlebury College, and at the University of California, Berkeley.