Professor, Rhetoric and Public Culture, Northwestern University, Illinois
Bosch Fellow in Public Policy - Class of Fall 2017
Northwestern University professor Dilip Gaonkar directs the Center for Global Culture and Communication and the Center for Transcultural Studies, an independent scholarly research network concerned with global issues. He studied at the University of Bombay and Tufts University, and completed his PhD at the University of Pittsburgh. Gaonkar focuses on the intellectual tradition of rhetoric, both its ancient roots and its contemporary mutations, as well as global modernities and their impact on political life. The former executive editor and editor of the journal Public Culture (2000-09; 2009-11), he has written and lectured widely on rhetoric, globalization, democracy, and the media. He is also involved in Northwestern’s department of African American Studies and graduate program in Screen Cultures in Asian Studies, and in Delhi’s Center for the Study of Developing Societies. Gaonkar has edited a series of books on global cultural politics, including Globalizing American Studies (with Brian Edwards, 2010), Alternative Modernities (2001), and Disciplinarity and Dissent in Cultural Studies (1995).