Senior Fellow, The Brookings Institution, Washington, DC
C.V. Starr Distinguished Visitor - Class of Fall 2006
Clifford Gaddy, an economist specializing in Russia, has been on the staff of the Brookings Institution in Washington, DC, since 1991. He currently holds a joint appointment as senior fellow in Brookings’ Economics Studies and Foreign Policy Studies programs.
Gaddy is co-author, with Fiona Hill, of The Siberian Curse: How Communist Planners Left Russia Out in the Cold, a study of how territorial misallocation of industry and people burdens today’s Russian economy. His earlier books include Russia’s Virtual Economy (with Barry W. Ickes), which analyzes the nature and evolution of the post-communist economic system in Russia; The Price of the Past: Russia’s Struggle with the Legacy of a Militarized Economy; and Open for Business: Russia’s Return to the Global Economy (with Ed A. Hewett). Gaddy has been a guest scholar at various institutes in the Russian Federation, including the Institute for Economic Forecasting (Moscow), the Kostroma Agricultural Institute (Kostroma), and the Perm Technology Research Center (Perm). In the mid-1990s he was an advisor to the Russian finance ministry and regional governments on issues of fiscal federalism for the US Government’s Tax Reform Oversight Project for Russia.
Gaddy is currently engaged in research on the role of oil and gas in Russia’s domestic economy and in its foreign political and economic strategies. His scholarship focuses on the spatial dimension of allocation and misallocation in the Russian economy in projects on investment in Russia and on federalism and its relation to economic growth.