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Head to Head: A Meeting of Inspired Minds

The US and Russia:
A History of Mutual Misunderstandings

Since the end of the Cold War, relations between the United States and Russia have shown persistent patterns of misunderstanding. While both countries have ostensibly longed to better comprehend the other’s domestic and geopolitical policies, they have not always managed to do so. Washington and Moscow often project their own worldview, strategic priorities, and methods for achieving them on the other, oftentimes resulting in frustration and acrimony. What, ultimately, does each country want and expect from the other? The New Yorker’s Moscow correspondent, Joshua Yaffa, will explore the pitfalls of US policy toward Russia, and Russia’s policy toward the US, in light of the the 2016 US presidential election, tit-for-tat diplomatic expulsions, financial sanctions against Russia, and ongoing tensions in Ukraine and Crimea. Yaffa will be joined in conversation by Stuttgarter Zeitung foreign policy editor Christian Gottschalk.

In cooperation with the Evangelisches Bildungszentrum Hospitalhof Stuttgart and the Deutsch-Amerikanisches Zentrum Stuttgart. Generously supported by Robert Bosch Stiftung GmbH, Holtzbrinck Publishing Group, and Berthold Leibinger Stiftung GmbH.

Part of American Days 2018.

22 Oct 18
Foreign Policy
19:30 - 21:00
Hospitalhof Stuttgart
Büchsenstraße 33,
70174 Stuttgart
Speaker: Joshua Yaffa

This event took place on October 22, 2018.

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