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Photo: Joshua Sukoff. Courtesy Unsplash

American Academy Discussion

The Fight for Congress: The 2022 Midterm Elections and What They Portend for America’s Democracy

Americans head to the polls on November 8 to elect a new House of Representatives, a third of the Senate, 36 governors, and a variety of other state offices. Against a backdrop of polarization unseen in generations and with Democrats enjoying the slimmest of majorities in both houses, the stakes are high. A Republican takeover of just one chamber would likely end President Biden’s run of legislative victories and lead to a period of political trench warfare, with Republicans using the majority’s powers of investigation to tie down the administration.

Historically, midterm elections are a referendum on the president, and given Biden’s unpopularity, Republicans only a few months ago expected a “wave” election that would have brought then dozens of new House seats and a handful of pickups in the Senate. The Supreme Court’s unpopular Dobbs decision on abortion rights, Biden’s legislative accomplishments, and the poor showing of candidates endorsed by former President Donald Trump have all undercut Republican expectations.

In this special Academy Zoom event, Doug Sosnik — White House political director during the Clinton administration and one of America’s foremost electoral analysts — explains the dynamics shaping this unpredictable election and the evolution of the American electorate.

Oct 26 2022
17:00 - 18:30
Online via Zoom (5:00 p.m. CET / 11:00 a.m. EST)

This event took place on October 26, 2022.

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