On the first evening of this Richard C. Holbrooke Workshop, the Academy hosted a public panel entitled “Shaping the Effects of Automation on Employment and Livelihoods in Germany: Policy Perspect...
Richard C. Holbrooke Workshop
The Effects of Automation on Employment, Wages, and Inequality in Germany
This Richard C. Holbrooke Workshop, organized by Laura Tyson, asks, “How are Germany’s government and businesses responding to the effects of automation on the quality and quantity of jobs in the country?” To address this question, a gathering of experts from a variety of disciplines and practices will discuss how German works councils, supervisory boards, and employers’ associations affecting the pace and magnitude of changes in labor-market conditions; how are policies influencing the effects of automation on labor-market outcomes—wages, hours of work, number of jobs, and training for dislocated workers; and what kind of adjustments in social welfare and insurance policies are required to help workers and their families respond to job losses caused by automation.