The US Embassy Literature Series
Reading from Her Novel-in-Progress, The After Party
Please note that this event takes place at the English Theatre Berlin. Registration: Tickets (€ 8): tickets@etberlin.de. School groups may register with IRCBerlin@state.gov for free admission. Read more at the English Theatre Berlin’s website.
Writer and fiction fellow Molly Antopol, a Jones Lecturer of Creative Writing at Stanford University, is motivated more by questions than by themes in her fiction: What happens when the causes to which a person has dedicated their life lose relevance in the course of world events? What happens to a person when they’re so intent on trying to change the world they lose sight of the people closest to them? What’s the relationship between activism and narcissism? In this reading and discussion, Antopol will talk about the research she’s undertaking for her new novel, The After Party.
In cooperation with the US Embassy and the English Theatre Berlin | International Performing Arts Center
Fidicinstraße 40
10965 Berlin
This event was held on May 10, 2017.