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Ellen Maria Gorrissen Lecture

Fighting Crapitalism: An Artist Talk

In this talk, multimedia artist A.L. Steiner argues that “crapitalism,” her barbed neologism, has spurred a global crisis through environmental destruction and dark ideological underpinnings: lying, coercion, and manipulation. To understand the tendencies of “homo economicus,” Steiner says it’s imperative to confront capitalism’s unquestioned valuation of money, supremacy, progress, supply, demand, accumulation, and profit. “Is there a foil,” she asks, “to the current coercive global corporatocratic capitalocene?” Steiner will present works that speak to these concerns, and read from a selection of responsive texts.

Photo: A.L. Steiner

Oct 05 2017
Arts and Culture
19:30 - 21:00
American Academy in Berlin
Am Sandwerder 17-19
14109 Berlin-Wannsee
Speaker: A.L. Steiner

This event took place on October 5, 2017.

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