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Concentrated solar power in Dunhuang, Gansu, China. Photo: Darmau. Courtesy Unsplash

Richard von Weizsäcker Lecture

Climate Change and Innovative Paths toward a More Sustainable Future

Multiple industrial and agricultural revolutions over the past two centuries have transformed the world; they have also changed the climate of the earth. By the year 2100, eleven billion people will require sufficient clean energy, water, and food for their survival and future prosperity. How we transition to from where we are to where we need to be will require another industrial and agricultural revolution. And this challenge, argues Steven Chu, contains perhaps the most pressing set of issues that science, innovation, and public policy must address in the coming years. In this talk, Chu will discuss the significant technical challenges and potential solutions that could provide better paths to a more sustainable future.

In cooperation with the Helmholtz Association

May 06 2024
18:00 - 19:30
Hörsaalruine, Berliner Medizinhistorisches Museum der Charité
Virchowweg 16
10117 Berlin
Speaker: Steven Chu

This event took place on May 6, 2024.

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