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Marcus Bierich Lecture in the Humanities

The 2008 Global Crisis: Approaches to a Future History

The year 2008 will forever be associated with the collapse of Lehman Brothers, the subprime mortgage crisis, the Great Recession, and the election of Barack Obama. But taking an overly America-centric view of this time drastically reduces its global financial, economic, political, and geopolitical ramifications. While popular movies and books such as Inside Job, The Big Short, and Too Big To Fail have captured aspects of the drama of 2008, business historian Adam Tooze says it is not too early to write the broader history of a global crisis that many have identified as an epochal break in the post-Cold War era. In this lecture, Tooze will sketch the outline of a future history.

13 Mar 18
19:30 - 21:00
American Academy in Berlin
Am Sandwerder 17-19
14109 Berlin-Wannsee
Speaker: Adam Tooze

This even took place on March 13, 2018.

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