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Photo: Annette Hornischer

Freelance writer and translator

Berlin Prize Fellow - Class of Spring 2022

Tess Lewis is a writer and translator for French and German. She completed a BA at the University of Notre Dame and MA at the University of Oxford. She is co-chair of the PEN America Translation Committee, a fellow at New York University’s Institute for the Humanities, and an advisory editor for the Hudson Review. Since 2019 (and in 2014-15), Lewis has curated the Festival Neue Literatur, New York City’s annual celebration of German-language literature in English. Her translations include works by Peter Handke, Hans Magnus Enzensberger, Lutz Seiler, Pascal Bruckner, and Christine Angot. Her work has been supported by PEN USA and PEN UK, a Max Geilinger Translation Grant (for her translation of Philippe Jaccottet), the ACFNY Translation Prize and 2017 PEN Translation Prize (for her translation of the novel Angel of Oblivion by Austrian writer Maja Haderlap), and by the Guggenheim Foundation and National Endowment of the Arts. Lewis’s essays and reviews have appeared in publications including the Partisan Review, Salmagundi, Hudson Review, World Literature Today, Wall Street Journal, American Scholar, and Bookforum, among others.

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