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Photo: Mike Minehan

Program Manager and Research Engineer, Advanced Technology Program, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Maryland

Bosch Fellow in Public Policy - Class of Spring 2000

For over 18 years, Richard Morris has founded and managed technology-based programs to foster social benefit and economic growth. In recent years, he launched the Adaptive Learning Systems Focused Program, a multimillion dollar software research program for innovators in Internet-based instructional technology. In the mid-1990s, he led restructuring projects in Indonesia’s telecommunications sector, where he also engineered and financed that nation’s research Internet backbone. As a management consultant, Morris has led special initiatives for Andersen Consulting (AC, Jakarta), Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC, McClean), US National Research Council, and several business units of the World Bank.


Early in his career, Morris co-founded the Texas Research and Development Authority and several centers of innovation excellence, including the UCSC Bioprocessing and Pharmaceutical Research Center and the University of Texas Institute of Biotechnology. He went on to advise the central ministries of commerce and/or technology in Brazil, Germany, Hong Kong, Indonesia, and the United States.


By training, Morris is a health scientist and engineer, presently working at the National Institute of Standards and Technology in Gaithersburg, Maryland, where he manages research efforts in computational biology, medical informatics, and knowledge engineering.

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