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Photo: Harvard University

Carl M. Loeb University Professor, Harvard University

Citigroup Distinguished Visitor - Class of Spring 2006

Laurence H. Tribe is the Carl M. Loeb University Professor and Professor of Constitutional Law at Harvard Law School, where he has taught since 1968.


Born in China to Russian Jewish parents, Tribe entered Harvard in 1958 at 16; graduated summa cum laude in mathematics (1962) and magna cum laude in law (1966); clerked for the California and US Supreme Courts (1966-68); received tenure at 30; was elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences at 38 and to the American Philosophical Society in 2010; helped write the constitutions of South Africa, Czech Republic, and Marshall Islands; has received ten honorary degrees, most recently a degree honoris causa from the government of Mexico in March 2011; has prevailed in three-fifths of the many appellate cases he has argued (including 35 in the US Supreme Court); was appointed in 2010 by President Obama and Attorney General Holder to serve as the first Senior Counselor for Access to Justice; and has written 115 books and articles, including his treatise, American Constitutional Law, cited more than any other legal text since 1950.

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