Karl N. Llewellyn Distinguished Service Professor of Jurisprudence, University of Chicago
American Academy Distinguished Visitor - Class of Spring 2007
Cass R. Sunstein, one of America’s most prominent legal scholars and authors, is the Karl N. Llewellyn Distinguished Service Professor of Jurisprudence at the Law School and the Department of Political Science at the University of Chicago. His multi-faceted area of expertise encompasses constitutional law, administrative law, and environmental law, and he has been involved in constitution-making and law reform activities in a number of nations, including Ukraine, Poland, China, South Africa, and Russia.
Sunstein is the author of Infotopia: How Many Minds Produce Knowledge (Oxford, 2006), studies the ways in which people exchange and compile information electronically in order to foster technological innovations, streamline business procedures, and produce accurate bodies of knowledge in various fields. Among his earlier publications are Laws of Fear: Beyond the Precautionary Principle (Cambridge, 2005), Republic.com (Princeton, 2001), and The Cost of Rights (W.W. Norton, 1999), all of which have been translated into several different languages. Sunstein has also written articles for various law reviews and journals, among them the Harvard Law Review, Journal of Law and Economics, Ethics, and The Supreme Court Review, and the New Republic, to which he was a contributing editor.
In addition to having clerked for the US Supreme Court, Sunstein has testified multiple times before congressional committees and has appeared on several national news programs as well, including Nightline, ABC Evening News, and CNN. A member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Sunstein has received multiple awards from the American Bar Association, and has held visiting professorships at Columbia University and at Harvard University, the latter from which he received both his BA and his JD.