Professor emerita of Western Medieval History, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, New Jersey
Ellen Maria Gorrissen Fellow - Class of Fall 2002
Caroline W. Bynum is University Professor emerita of Columbia University and professor emerita at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton. She studies the religious ideas and practices of the European Middle Ages from late antiquity to the sixteenth century. In the 1980s, her book Holy Feast and Holy Fast was instrumental in introducing the concept of gender into Medieval Studies. In the 1990s, her books Fragmentation and Redemption and The Resurrection of the Body in Western Christendom provided a paradigm for the history of the body. The essays in Fragmentation and Redemption ( 1991) and Metamorphosis and Identity ( 2001) are widely cited in discussions of historical method. Her book Wonderful Blood (2007), a study of Christian ideas of sacrifice in medieval Germany, was researched while she was at the American Academy in Berlin in 2002. It won the American Academy of Religion’s Award for Excellence in the Historical Studies category; the Gründler Prize for the Best Book in Medieval Studies published in 2007; and the Haskins Medal of the Medieval Academy of America. Her book Christian Materiality (Zone Books, 2011), is an interpretive essay in art history, history of science, as well as religious history.