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Photo: Annette Hornischer

Director, art-SITES Press; Independent Scholar, San Francisco, California

Coca-Cola - Class of Fall 2007

Sidra Stich is a San Francisco-based art historian and museum curator specializing in modern and contemporary art, architecture, and design. She is also a travel writer and the director of art-SITES, a publishing venture that offers guides to the arts and culture scenes of various cities such as London, Paris, and San Francisco, as well as countries such as Britain, Italy, Spain, and France. Among her other publications are Yves Klein (Hatje Cantz, 1995) and Rosemarie Trockel (Prestel, 1999), both of which provide in-depth studies of the two postwar artists; Anxious Visions: Surrealist Art, and Made in the USA: An Americanization in Modern Art, the ’50s and ’60s (University of California Press, 1987). Her recent project, entitled “Public Art at the Helm of Urban Transformation: The Case of Turin, Italy,” studies the metamorphosis of Turin from an industrial hub into a thriving contemporary arts capital rich with museums, galleries, and new architecture, and assesses the way in which the shifts in the urban infrastructure have affected the city’s image and identity.

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