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Photo: Annette Hornischer

Research Associate, Bilderfahrzeuge: Aby Warburg and the Future of Iconology, The Warburg Institute, London, England

Nina Maria Gorrissen Fellow in History - Class of Spring 2015

Prior to his position at The Warburg Institute, Christopher D. Johnson taught at the University of California at Los Angeles, Harvard University, and Northwestern University. An accomplished scholar of the Renaissance and Baroque periods, he completed his PhD in comparative literature at New York University (2001) and his BA at St. Johns College (1991). Johnson is the author of Hyperboles: The Rhetoric of Excess in Baroque Literature and Thought (Harvard, 2010) and a highly-acclaimed translation of Francisco de Quevedo’s poetry (Chicago, 2009). His most recent book, Memory, Metaphor, and Aby Warburg’s Atlas of Images (Cornell, 2012), received widespread praise for its ability to convey Warburg’s lifelong study of Renaissance culture in all its complexity and nuance. Johnson has received fellowships from the Herzog-August-Bibliothek in Wolfenbüttel and the Folger Shakespeare Library, among others.

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